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My relationship with the physical practice of yoga began as a teen. What I define as my "spiritual" relationship with yoga began much later, circa 2014, when I met an instructor who I can now say changed my life.


In college, I quickly became fascinated with yoga, breathwork, and the impact it had on my mental state. I wanted to know more. I earned my 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher certification with Marianne Wells Yoga School in 2015, and have been teaching in various capacities since then. 


Yoga and meditation have played an integral role in my own quest for healing, fulfillment, and purpose. I've had the great pleasure of practicing with teachers who I consider to be my "guides" and they have helped me grow closer to my own inner wisdom. 


I earned my Reiki Master certification under the facilitation of Audrey Sheldon in 2021 as a way to deepen my own healing practices and be able to hold space in a new way for others. 


As a yoga and energy practitioner, my job is to create safe and sacred spaces for students to grow closer to their inner teachers. We all carry the wisdom needed to design our lives and live with freedom - it is my job to help you connect to that innate wisdom that you already have. We all have it.


xx, namaste

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